Travelling Green Tips You Need to Start From Now

Travelling Green Tips You Need to Start From Now

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Find Out More about Travelling Green Tips

You might have been familiar with green travel. If you consider this, then you might as well find out travelling green tips to help you execute this kind of travel successfully. At the end of your vacation, you will not only gain self-pleasure such as refresh mind or recharged energy but also minimizing environmental impact of your travel. Green travel is not complicated approach. This is a simple method and practice that you can even do at home to get used to it before going off your vacation.

Travelling green tips you need to know

By applying green travel, you pay attention to the environment. It means you travel with responsibility towards Mother Nature. It is not only that because practicing green travel also means you pay attention to social and economic sustainability. Another term people use similar to green travel is eco-tourism. Those are generally the same practices. How to do green travel properly then?


  • Green travel starts even from the preparation. It is highly suggested that you pack light. By packing light you contribute to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gases emission which endanger and damage the atmosphere.
  • It is much better to bring reusable shopping bag and water bottle.  You can reuse shopping bags many times without adding the amount of waste. Reusable water bottle is also more practical to carry everywhere. You just need to refill with water fountain during your travel. This one of travelling green tips is important to follow because Plastic bags or water bottles are meant to be trashed to the trash can which just add up the amount of waste on our Earth. Plastic is hard to materialized into soil. Indeed, it just contaminates the environment.

Before You Go..

Before going to your destination, make sure you turn off the lights of your home as well as turn down the thermostat. Don’t let any electronics plugged into electric terminal. This will not only save the energy consumption but also your bills from unnecessary use.


If your destination is not that far, you can take a bus instead of plane. Airplanes take a lot of fuel so it just increases energy consumption. By taking a bus to your destination, you contribute in reducing carbon emission. Train also emits less gas than airplanes so it can be a good alternative. If you really can’t take public transportation, you can rent a car but it i recommended to choose smaller and hybrid vehicle to accommodate your green travel mission.


It is recommended that you stay in green hotel during your travel. There are many hotels now supporting green campaign to help saving the environment. Make sure you research about this kind of hotel before going on your vacation.


During your travel, you can apply green travel practices such as eating local foods made of organic ingredients, keeping shower shorts, taking public transportation, purchasing meals or products from local vendors, etc. They are considered simple practices of travelling green tips especially if have been used to practice them in your daily life.

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