Fear Of Sharks Can Stop You From Enjoying Beach Vacation

Fear Of Sharks Can Stop You From Enjoying Beach Vacation

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It is already known by the public that people are afraid of being attacked by sharks. Some are even afraid to get in to the ocean because think sharks are ready waiting for them at the bottom. Sharks have been demonized for so long. From the data, it shows that there were only few unprovoked attacks by sharks and even low number number of fatal attack. Sharks are not mindless killers because they are just evolved animals that need to be protected. They have major role in balancing the marine ecosystem. 

Why you shouldn’t be worried about shark attacks during your vacation

There are more causes of injury and death caused by other factors than shark attack. You can still enjoy your getaway in the water as long as you follow the rules from the local authority. And here are the reasons why getting attacked by sharks should be the least of your worry during your trip:

Humans are not natural food for sharks

As mentioned earlier that sharks are evolved animals. They have been existed for over 400 million years and they are not conditioned to see humans as preys. Humans are not their food source that even when you swim side by side with them, you will still be fine and alive. Sharks avoid humans and tend to prey for tunas or seals that have high fat. Scientists believe that attacks to human by sharks are a case of mistaken identity or a product of curiosity. The problem is that with even small bite from sharks it can cause severe injury to humans. 

The majority of sharks are pretty harmless

When you hear the word sharks, the very first image that comes to your mind must be that of sharp teeth and open jaws. There are more than 400 species of sharks and the majority of them are considered harmless. In reality, most of them are even smaller than humans, hence they tendency to avoid humans. However, there are three significantly large sharks that many people are afraid of such as the whale shark, the basking shark, and the megamouth shark. However, their diet is made up of plankton.

Enjoy your trip to the beach with no worry 

The chance of you getting attacked by the sharks during your visit to the beach is one in 3.4 millions. The incidents at the beach is mostly caused by drowning. In fact, statistics show that you are likely to get injured and die from cycling and not from stepping into the beach. Therefore, it is best to not overly worried about getting attacked by sharks during your water adventure on the beach. 

Make the most out of your beach vacation by having fun with your loved ones. However, always follow the rules and guidance from the authorities to make sure you won’t get involved in any accident. If you want to take precaution, avoid getting into the ocean at dusk and dawn. Those are times when large sharks species hunt.

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