Prepare More with the Packing for Volunteer Vacation

Prepare More with the Packing for Volunteer Vacation

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The hassle while packing can be annoying but the need of thorough packing makes you feel giddy to go to your travel destination soon. Packing for volunteer vacation is not that different.

Packing for volunteer vacation

You have to bring something you will need later at your destination. However, volunteer vacation can last a week to 6 months. Thus, you really need to organize your packing thoroughly so that you get everything you need both for volunteering and travelling.

Packing for volunteer vacation properly

Since you are going to volunteer vacation, you need to consider not only yourself but also what you will need during the volunteer program. It is highly recommended that you ask the organization to give you packing list since most programs do. They go all out to the extent giving you tips about the alerts and warnings of the country you are heading to.

  • It is recommended that you bring a one-piece luggage plus a carry on or purse. It is better to pack light so you only have what you need. About the clothes, it is suggested that you bring them in considerate amount. For a volunteer vacation that takes a week to three months, you just need to pack about 7 tops or t-shirts, 4 pairs of bottoms, a jacket, a pair of sneakers, a pair of comfortable sandals, Pajamas, seven to nine pairs underwear, five to seven bras, seven pairs of socks, gloves, scarf, bathing suit, a towel, and a bandana (if needed).
  • Toiletries are something you cannot forget when it comes to packing for volunteer vacation. Make sure to pack everything you need such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, sunscreen, wipes, hand-sanitizer, first aid kit, and personal medications. It is also recommended to bring bug spray because its price is usually more expensive abroad.
  • You will also need electronics to pack in your luggage. They include flashlight, handphone, headphones, charger, extra batteries, portable battery bank, camera (for capturing memorable moments), tablet (if necessary), and dry sacs to keep all your belongings dry and safe.
  • There are other things that you will need for the travel such as a pair of glasses, pen and notebook, dry towel, and reusable water bottle. Those sound unimportant but you will need them because they can come in handy.
  • It is also important that you pack some snacks such as granola bars, beef jerky, instant noodles, instant coffee, tea, and your favorite snacks. They can be your life saver when you are hungry but not in the right time to eat proper meals.
  • Make sure that you pack copies of important documents such as passport or visa. You can keep them in your carry on instead of suitcase so that you can bring them anywhere you go. You can also ask the organization of the program if you can donate such as medical or school supplies. You can also include small gift for the host family you are going to stay with is also acceptable in your packing for volunteer vacation.
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